What is included in your programs?
All of our programs come with a thorough training guide that includes a glossary of all terms we use, links to videos and tutorials, and written guides for any technique we teach in lessons.
Excluding puppy programs, all of our programs come with at least one free group class of your choice where you can experience our training in a group setting with other pack members or have supervised socialization with other dogs.
What’s the difference between in-home and in-public?
All of our programs are tailored to the unique needs of your family. We created in-public programs for those outside our radius and are discounted on the basis that you will meet us to train in Thousand Oaks at a convenient location. For in-home programs, we conduct lessons in your home and typically dedicate the last few lessons to work on any behaviors in-public. While we cover the same training in both settings, results may vary depending on your dog’s behavior and needs. Please consult with a trainer to understand which programs are best suited for your lifestyle, budget, and the behavioral challenges you are struggling with.
What are your qualifications?
Charlie has been training dogs for over 10 years. He began working at his uncle’s ranch after he graduated high school, training military and police canines in bomb sniffing, protection, and more. He trained under 3 renowned trainers before starting his own business. Both head trainers have completed a shadow program at Method K9 Institute. All of our trainers undergo an 8-month shadowing period and standardized training to become experts in dog psychology and leash handling.
What equipment do you use and am I required to buy what you recommend?
Equipment is not included in the price of our programs and we require that you purchase all necessary equipment by your first lesson. We start all dogs on slip leads and progress from there. While we highly recommend certain training equipment, we understand everyone has different comfort levels and continue to work with clients utilizing whatever equipment they feel comfortable working with.
What is your guarantee?
There is a lot that goes into successful training outcomes. Training, even a board and train program, is a very small part of your dog’s life and there is no such thing as a quick fix for behavioral issues. That’s why our programs are so focused on training the owner rather than just training the dog. If you are unable to maintain the structure and training in your dog’s life after you complete a program, whether with us or another trainer, your dog will regress very quickly and all of the time and money you’ve spent will have been for nothing.
Our promise to you is: we will continue to work with you and your dog until the goals we establish at the start of the program are met. If your dog's behavior doesn’t improve within the program's timeframe, we'll keep working with you at no extra cost until we see results—within reason.
We strongly recommend completing programs within the specified time frame to achieve optimal results, but our policy allows 2-3 additional weeks (depending on the program) to schedule/complete programs to account for illness/emergency rescheduling needs.
What if new issues arise after I complete a program?
Once a program is completed, clients have lifetime access to their trainer to ask any questions or request additional information to aid in their continued training outside of our lessons. We offer discounted programs for alumni (like our refresher course and our off-leash bootcamp) as well as one free group class per month for life!